About us
Who we are
Growing your skill and rise together
Building your future Basketball Program is your best option as an academy. We are a professional group of coaches with ONE MISION with our Student-Athletes: «Work for you»
We have some quotes innegociable: #buildingyourfuture #trusttheprocess #attitudeandeffort
Our program is a lot of years of experiences, a lot of times where Coach Sergio talks with the partners and friends, a lot of jobs (INEFC, MBA SPORTS MANAGEMENT, FEB DEGREE) and a some works experiences as CBA, TBS, Basketball without Borders, FAB… Great cocktail to be BYF BASKETBALL PROGRAM.

Athletic and personal development leadership

Sergio Salesa
Owner & Founder. Basketball head coach.
Sports Degree (INEFC 2001), Spanish National Coach Level I (CES 2007) & MBA Sports Management (2014). Coach Sergio, a highly motivated, passionate, and innovative Basketball Coach and Sports Management with a proven track record of considerable success. Inspires student-athletes to achieve more than they thought possible and specializes in preparing them for the highest levels of competition. Focused on the whole student-athlete. Basketball is the way to take our goals, but academic way is th future, so we fight both. Approachable nature, collaborative and creative person. Coach Sergio never forgets the value of effective teamwork and brings various strategies to increase learning abilities which drives the highest levels of performance. Americans feelings, If you help me I help you. I help you and when I need it you help me.

Ricky Diez
Strength & conditioning head coach.
Former Scholarship Student-Athlete in NCAA Track & Field, Former pro jump vault athlete, son of Paco Diez (Former Venezuela National Team Coach amb federation member) and old friend of Coach Sergio. Ricky was Strenght and conditioning coach in Olympics Rio 2016. Venezuela Basketball National Team with former NBA’s players as Greivis Vàsquez. Excellent communicator with a proven ability to relate to a diverse range of players from different cultures, nationalities and languages. Approachable nature, collaborative and creative thinker & highly experienced in coping under pressure to achieve the highest standards and targets. An individual that never forgets the value of effective teamwork and brings various strategies to increase learning abilities which drives the highest levels of performance.

Chris Mayes
Basketball player development head coach.
A highly motivated, passionate, and innovative Individual Player Development Coach with a proven track record of considerable success. Inspires players to achieve more than they thought possible and specializes in preparing them for the highest levels of competition. Has worked with players at all levels from Club Basketball, National Teams, D1 College, Euroleague and NBA. Great partner of Coach Sergio, we trust in us. In the past seasons has coached over 135+ players that have progressed to NCAA Division 1 Colleges. Focused on the ‘whole athlete’, quickly sees skill gaps and constantly develops and delivers innovative strategies for increasing efficiencies in big men and shooters with significant top level success.

What we do
About BYF Basketball Program
A Friendly and safe environment:
We provide a friendly and safe environment, where student-athletes are inspired and supported to advance their basketball skillsets. We work with players between the ages of 12 and 22, and our coaches are dedicated to developing each student’s basketball fundamentals and social skills. At ByourF Basketball Program, students learn about sportsmanship, determination and leadership so they can be successful, not only on the court, but in all aspects of life.
Living like a Pro:
Living like a basketball professional is the main premise of the BYF’s work program, not only at the sports level, with three daily training sessions, but also at the level of coexistence and relationship with others “Professionals”, since if you do not learn to fit in in a group, it will be relatively difficult to develop in a competitive and team game like basketball. Therefore, the first thing that is done when a player enters the BYF Basketball Program is to hold a meeting with him and his managers. (parents, clubs or representatives), from which their needs and, consequently, the objectives to be achieved with he. From that moment on, a work plan is drawn up, designed so that each player acquires a high level. in the technique and in the knowledge of the game, so that he can later develop it in the club, university or team where he goes to provide their services.
Our goal with our student-athletes is to take each goal.
Trust the process and finally produce highly trained players to fit into any team, regardless of the system or style of play.
MAGIC JOHNSON said: “Don’t Fear The Process"
MICHAEL JORDAN said: “Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work”
LARRY BIRD said: “Push yourself again and again. Don't give an inch until the final buzzer sounds”